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The Wanganui Story -Reconciliation based on Unity and intercession

The Wanganui story is built on the foundation of almost 160 years of mission enterprise and church establishment. A significant revival of God among the Maori people occurred from 1830-1850, with thousands knowing and worshipping the Lord. In recent years the Wanganui council of churches, comprising lay Leadership and pastors, sought to develop inter-church cooperation, but it has now lapsed.

In the late 1980's a group of like minded pastors met weekly for prayer. The "Rise Up" movement some 5-6 years ago catalyzed City Intercessors, an interdenominational group of prayer warriors, who met weekly. This group has identified spiritual principalities, local historical areas of conflict, and current needs. They have a mobile and powerful ministry of breaking down demonic strongholds, cleansing through repentance, spiritual authority and anointing, They continue to be a significant and powerful prophetic group.

In 1990 it became obvious that a closer relationship was needed between pastors and churches for Kingdom advance - the goal being to take the city. Stages in this strategy have been as follows:

A cluster of like minded churches meeting together for Christian celebration. This continues. Some events have been; Palm Sunday celebrations, Marches for Jesus; public witness at local AMP shows; SPUC street witness and so on.

Recognizing the need for shared vision based on closer personal relations and trust, the pastors have met together in the form of retreat. Phase one involved an initial prayer breakfast, followed by a series of three afternoons during the first year when:


each pastor shared their own spiritual journey and thankfully affirmed the evidences that God was building in their local church (Matt 16:18).


the second meeting isolated areas of concern and division in our corporate work. Confession and prayer followed.


the third event asked how the command of blessing in Ps.133 could become a reality, this resulted in the covenant of cooperation, which every pastor has been encouraged to sign.

To continue to foster Kingdom advance an Annual Retreat is held. Gordan Miller, of World Vision, in the first event highlighted the possibilities.

The second meeting isolated and confirmed the characteristics of inter-church cooperation which were defined as follows:


The breaking down of prejudice. We need to be verbalizing trust and dealing with issues that divide us (Psa. 133).


Entering into partnership with each other in mission strategy and striving to maintain unity.


Documenting the prophetic journey. This involves gathering and recording the Prophetic words, explaining to newcomers what God has done so far, and enrolling them in the cause.


Foster emerging city eldership, the need to recognize godly men and women.


The development of intercession e.g. City intercession and prayer concerts. As we learn to intercede together for the city, God will bless and give direction.


Discover the profile of the city at all levels and discern how best to advance the Kingdom, commissioning a Church Growth and City Survey.


Deliberate networking of ministries. Let us play to each others strengths rather than compete.


Continue to cooperate in major events.

At the same time Youth Pastors and leaders have been meeting regularly to share and pray. Compile a statement of cooperation and isolate areas and strategies to penetrate the youth culture.

The challenge before us is to develop a Christian strategy to penetrate the city for the Kingdom of God. The following are some components to be addressed:


A closer relationship, partnership and trust between pastoral Leadership.


The development of a second phase of lay Leadership, sharing the same vision.


The discovery of strategy for the bicultural nature of our society.


A particular strategy to develop a saturation of the whole city at every level with the gospel (Acts 19:10).


An understanding of the current state of the Christian church in this city and how local congregations can complement this ministry.

An evident stirring among Christians for combined mission venture is an indication that the Spirit of God is moving amongst us. We are grateful and are believing God for the conversion of key leaders in all levels of society. It is evident that:


We must discover and reach hidden peoples, we are now a mission field context.


We must rediscover pioneer principles.


Recognize we are entering a post-denominational era where Christian city events and the strategy and fellowship of nearby Christians becomes more significant in mission than our individual denominational activities. Functional unity seems to be a priority.

We must understand the dynamics of spiritual warfare on a city-wide scale and through repentance, servanthood, intercession and cooperation challenge the enemy on every front. We are at War!

As this was written, a major confrontation occurred between the two main ethnic groups that live in New Zealand, the Maori and the Pakeha (descendants of the British), as a group of Maori took possession of a public garden to protest violation of a treaty concerning their land. The night before the intercessors had been praying for this land. As the protest continued, the pastors were deeply involved as advisors and intercessors to leaders on both sides of the dispute, the reconcilers of the city. At a combined church service of some 25 churches, 800 Christians stood to commit themselves to a ministry of reconciliation in a divided city.

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 © Viv Grigg and the Encarnação Alliance Training Commission
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Last updated: 05/15/09.